martes, 27 de diciembre de 2011

Industrial Revolution

Here you have the notes and the activities too:

If you play this game you'll feel as if you were a proper "entrepreneur" of the Industrial Revolution. You have the chance to apply what you've recently learned!.
Aquí está el esquema que os prometí de la Revolución Industrial, además os he hecho uno sobre la visión del capitalismo, socialismo y comunismo según MARX:

Recordad, abajo hay unos vídeos sobre el pensamiento de Marx que os puede ayudar, por algo subo los vídeos
Here you have the picture that you request for doing the activity: HERE means IRELAND, there means U.S.A. Why did  Irish people go to the U.S.A.? IRELAND was part of GREAT BRITAIN  and Britsh did nothing to avoid the great famine.

In 'Muck and Brass' you will have to imagine you are running a city at the height of the Industrial Revolution, and make choices regarding the welfare of your workforce and the prosperity of your business. How ready is your conscience for the realities of Victorian Britain? Play the game to find out.

Stephenson's rocket
(pulsad"click here to view the whole engine working" y luego pulsad "on" para todo el mecanismo por dentro desde que se pone en marcha.

The Rocket was designed and built by George Stephenson with the help of his son, Robert, and Henry Booth, for the 1829 Rainhill Trials.

The Trials were held by the Liverpool and Manchester Railway Company, to find the best locomotive engine for a railway line that was being built to serve these two English cities. On the day of the Trials, some 15,000 people came along to see the race of the locomotives.

During the race, the Rocket reached speeds of 24mph during the 20 laps of the course. This was due to several new design features. It was the first locomotive to have a multi-tube boiler - with 25 copper tubes rather than a single flue or twin flue.

The blast pipe also increased the draught to the fire by concentrating exhaust steam at the base of the chimney. This meant that the boiler generated more power (steam), so the Rocket was able to go faster than its rival, and thus secure its place in history.

The Rocket can be seen at the Science Museum, in London.

Look this video and answer the questions :

Once you have seen the video, answer the following questions:
a)- What raw materials were used to power the inventions?
b)- What were the applications for the steam engine?
c)- How many people could a machine replace?
d)- What was a Union?

MODERN TIMES by Charles Chaplin

The monotonous work in the factory makes Charlie go completely insane - he suffers a nervous breakdown.
Here you can watch the movie


Here you can watch the movie Germinal.
Germinal is a 1993 French epic film based on the novel by Émile Zola. The film, set in the nineteenth century, closely follows the plot of the novel, which is a realistic story of a coalminers' strike in northern France in the 1860s.

Children labour:

Interesante vídeo extraído del programa REDES:

Powerpoint used in classes

PowerPoint de clase en español: inventos

Con esto os haréis una idea de un telar manual tradicional, que constaba de un entramado de hilos por el que se hacía discurrir la bovina de un lado a otro. La bovina como observáis se pasa de mano a mano por lo que la anchura de la tela queda limitada a la envergadura de cada tejedor.

 La lanzadera volante permitía que la labor de tejido, en la que intervenían dos trabajadores, fuera realizada por un solo trabajador. John Kay se vio obligado a exiliarse a Francia, porque los trabajadores de la industria textil británica querían matarle.

Heargreaves' spinning Jenny

En este otro vídeo sobre todo fijaos a partir del minuto 1.40 (video de abajo) podéis ver el mecanismo de la Spinning Jenny. La Jenny de Heargraves desarrollaba un mecanismo aprovechando el movimiento de una rueca, accionada mediante una manivela para obtener varias bovinas de hilo, multiplicando de esta forma la producción.

Era una máquina con ocho carretes en un extremo, girados por una rueda más grande que en las máquinas normales. Heargraves ahorraba así el viejo trabajo que desempeñaban anteriormente 6 u 8 trabajadores con la rueca manual. Se produce así hilo sin contacto directo con los dedos.

Heargraves, carpintero y tejedor de profesión, ideó la hiladora basándose en un accidente fortuito: la caída de una rueca provocada por su hermana Jenny.

Crompton's mule

Era un artefacto considerable,el  inventado por Edward Crompton en 1779. Era una especie de cruce entre la Jenny y la Waterframe, pero producía un hilo de más calidad. Esta máquina poseía unas dimensiones considerables, repleta de ruedas y cilindros en los que se movían centenares de husos que enrollaban las madejas de los hilos de algodón.

Watt's steam engine

 La ciudad Victoriana

Movimiento obrero en España:
El ferrocarril en España:
Vida social en el siglo XIX:

Lucha de clases:

Parte 2