martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011


Hi guys!

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Here, you have the notes and the Powerpoint of the unit 1 : OLD REGIME. You can download it by pressing the icon.

Here there are some usuful maps and texts. It may help you in order to clarify some concepts. You can view the presentation in full screen mode (press the four arrows on the right).

Now I´ll give a short lecture on Louis XIV, pay attention:


Now, I´ll leave here a collection of videos referring this unit.
 In English:

     LOUIS XIV                                    

Louis XIV and arts

                                                      Louis XIV and the wars
Luis XIV, extracto del documental de Canal Historia "Luis XIV, el rey Sol", rey que llenó a Francia de miseria y grandeza.

                         Magnífica síntesis como casi siempre desde

A scene from the movie "the king is dancing ". What I find most interesting is the baroque atmosphere, and how the king symbolizes his absolute power over the nobles.


The English Civil War : two - parts documentary. It is highly recommendable.

 I love the "Horrrible Histories " from BBC. It is a very original way to teach History to everyone.


The movie "To Kill a King" It deals with the corruption of Parliament leading to many arrests of Members of Parliament who have allegiances to the King. One is tortured. This leads to the creation of the Rump Parliament. King Charles I's conspiracies to remain as King are uncovered leading to his arrest, trial and execution at Whitehall in January 1649. Cromwell then becomes Lord Protector.


BARRY LYNDON by Stanley Kubrick. 4 Oscars awards in 1975.
In the Eighteenth Century, in a small village in Ireland, Redmond Barry is a young farm boy in love of his cousin Nora Brady. When Nora engages to the British Captain John Quin, Barry challenges him for a duel of pistols. He wins and escapes to Dublin, but is robbed on the road. Without any other alternative, Barry joins the British Army to fight in the Seven Years War. He deserts and is forced to join the Prussian Army...this must be one of the most beautiful films ever made.

  One of the most well - known scenes from Barry Lyndon is the one that appears the British Grenadier unit.
That means, a specialized soldier for the throwing of grenades and sometimes assault operations.

The Last of the Mohicans is a 1992 historical epic film set in 1757 during the Seven Years War. The main theme of the film is taken from the tune "The Gael" by Scottish singer-songwriter Dougie MacLean.
It is one of the best soundtracks ever made.